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الكنيسة الكاثوليكية بمصر

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الكنيسة الكاثوليكية بمصركنيسة الأقباط الكاثوليك

Formative meeting of the Coptic Catholic priests and deacons of Ismailia Diocese


9 November 2020

Under the slogan “Concepts and Priorities of Development in the Church and the Society,” and in the belief of His Excellency Anba Daniel Lofty, Bishop of the Ismailia Diocese and the Canal Cities and their dependencies for the Coptic Catholics, the Church’s role in the development work within the community, as well as the permanent formation of priests, His Excellency invited priests and deacons of the Ismailia Diocese to a Formative meeting with Dr. Rafik Ramzy, expert in development and strategic planning
The meeting revolved around the development in terms of the concepts and the priorities, studying the field and mechanisms, so that everyone would be partners in the development work of the diocese and the Egyptian community
The meeting ended with the granting of His Excellency the Apostolic blessing

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