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الكنيسة الكاثوليكية بمصر

construct design


الكنيسة الكاثوليكية بمصركنيسة الأقباط الكاثوليك

Precautionary measures for Covid-19 for the employees of the diocese and Diakonia office centers

1. The necessity of the presence of cleaners daily about one hour before the employees, in order to wipe the office surfaces, door locks and other surfaces that employees touch permanently.
2. The necessity of making full awareness of the cleaning workers.
3. The necessity of the cleaning workers to wash their hands regularly (every hour).
4. It is preferable for the cleaning workers of the office to be different from the worker responsible for the buffet and serving drinks.
5. The necessity of wearing gloves and masks, taking into consideration changing gloves and washing hands when changing them.
6. The necessity of emphasizing the employees to use packaged foods and not to go for ready-made foods or junk foods in any way.
7. To have the tools used in the buffet for one time use and then throw them. (Paper cups, plastic spoons).
8. In case if there is more than one employee in the same office, take into consideration the social distancing between them and every employee should wear a mask.
9. Providing an alcohol bottle at the office of each employee, and that every employee disinfects his hand two or three times a day, taking into consideration washing it and not touching his face.
10. Providing a laser thermometer in the office and that there is a person responsible for measuring the temperature of the employees daily upon their arrival at the office and in case if the temperature rises over 7.5 It should be referred to a doctor and taking into consideration the thermometer doesn’t touch the skin.
11. The employee should leave the office immediately in case of any symptoms (cough, high temperature, sneezing).
12. The employee should make an isolation work for himself in the event of any symptoms mentioned above.
